Jiri Kolar is among the most influential and well known Czech artists of the 20th century, famous for his collages and novel art techniques. This dedicated page contains 3 parts: 1) A brief biography. 2) A list of books by or about him that are available through online bookstores. 3) Links to some of his images and more information.
Jiri Kolar was born on Sept 24 1914 in Protivin, CZ; since 1980 lived in Paris; after 1989 has been returning to his homeland and lived in Prague, CZ where he died on August 11, 2002.
Co-founder of Group 42. His early works are represented by traditional poetry compositions. In 50s his poems begun to reach out to visual realm and various media. 60s are characterized by geometrical abstraction, visual poems and technical objects. He is most famous for his collages and innovative art techniques - chiasmages, rollages, froissages, etc.
Jiri Kolar: Works in Exhibit - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
by Thomas A. Messer
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1975, ASIN B000KF53GQ
Jiri Kolar: Transformations
by Charlotta Kotik
Buffalo Fine Arts/Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1978, ISBN 0914782193
Jiri Kolar: Reperes
Galerie Maeght Lelong, 1983, ISBN 2855871182
Jiri Kolar: Diary, 1968
by David Elliott, Arsen Pohribny
Museum of Modern Art, 1984, ISBN 0905836456
Jiri Kolar: Poetry of vision, poetry of silence
The Gallery, 1984, ISBN 0920095461
Jiri Kolar: Poemes du silence
La Difference, 1988, ISBN 2729102795
Jiri Kolar
by James Lingwood, Jiri Kolar
Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1990, ISBN 0905263820
Jiri Kolar: Defective Art 1986-1990
Albermarle Gallery, 1990, ISBN B000HL8MZM
Jiri Kolar: l'oeil de Prague
by Michel Butor
La Difference, 1992, ISBN 2729102116
Jiri Kolar: Notre pain quotidien et peste d'athenes
La Difference, 1992, ISBN 2729101780
Oeuvres de Jiri Kolar
by Jiri Kolar, Emmanuel Starcky, Sophie Barthelemy, Marie Klimesova
Reunion des Musees Nationaux, 2002, ISBN 2711844544
Kolar - Chiasmage: Selections from the Guggenheim
by Thomas M. Messer
Katonah Gallery, 1988, ISBN 0685457265
Týdeník 1968/Newsreel 1968
by Jiri Kolar
Torst, 1993, ISBN 8085639033
(Each week from January to December of 1968 had Jiri Kolar created one (or more) collages and accompanied it with a short commentary. Events of private as well as public life recorded in documents - newspapers, letters, manifestos, petitions and even obituaries - become part of this peculiar graphic diary. Kolar combined his poetical genius with the graphic art that made him world-known. The 1968 - Newsreel is represented in a complete form by a quality monography attended by text written by Arsén Pohribny.)
Ornitologie moderního umění (The ornithology of modern art)
autor: Jiří Kolář
Camina, 1997, ISBN 8085940086
more books in Czech
Info: Wikipedia
Images: Galerie ART, Galerie Online, ArtNet, Worldwide Arts Resources, La Nouvelle Revue Moderne, Der Standard, Galerie Ernst Hilger, Metropolitan Museum, Pavel Zoubok Gallery, Ubu Web, Passauer Medienzentrum, Galerie Krause, Musée Typoésie.
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